//  University


Module: Documents

Persona: Employee

Uploading documents to your personal folder

As an employee, you will have your own personal document folder which can only be accessed by you, your manager, and system administrators. When you attach documents to an objective or a review, these will automatically upload to your personal document folder.

Documents can be uploaded to your personal document folder on your behalf (i.e your manager or a system administrator), as an example your employee contract and signed employment documentation may sit in your personal folder.

Step One

Hover over the Document section of the side-bar, then navigate to: Documents ➡️Personal. Select the ➕ next to Personal to open your personal documents folder.

Step Two

Click the ‘SELECT FILES’ button to select the document(s) from your device, this will automatically start uploading the document(s) to your personal folder.

Step Three

Once complete, the document will then appear in the grid at the bottom of the page.