//  University


Module: Objectives

Persona: Manager

Linking objectives

StaffCircle allows you to create objectives which will feed their results in to one another. You can create personal objectives which feed in to departmental objectives, and departmental objectives which can feed in to company objectives.

This lesson applies to both SMART objectives and OKRs. When referencing OKRs, this is for the individual key results. Below are some helpful tips when interlinking objectives in StaffCircle:

  • The objectives you are linking must be of the same value. If your departmental objective is measured as a percentage then the personal objective which feeds in to this must also be measured as a percentage.
  • Personal objectives can only feed in to departmental objectives. Personal objectives cannot directly feed in to Company objectives.
  • Key results (OKRs) can be linked to SMART objectives as long as the key result is measured in the same value.

Step One

Start the progress of creating either a SMART objective or a Key Result (OKR) by following the instructions within the relevant lessons. You can link an objective regardless as to whether this is from a template, or from scratch.

Step Two

When you see the ‘Link Objective’ toggle, switch this on to expose the ‘Select related [department/company] objective’ drop-down menu.

Step Three

Select the relevant objective from the drop-down menu, and then proceed through the rest of the screens to add the objective to the platform.

You can link existing objectives to departmental or company objectives by ‘editing’ the objective from the Objective Manager screen.

Employees can not link their own objectives to departmental objectives as linking objectives can only be performed by those with managerial permissions.